Tag Archives: Adaptive Equipment

Living With Alzheimer’s Disease: A Simple Guide

Alzheimer’s disease is a condition that affects the brain and typically occurs in middle to late life. It affects both men and women of all races, cultures, and backgrounds. The disease is a slowly  progressing form of dementia, and the rate of progression varies for every person. People with Alzheimer’s disease experience memory loss, language problems and changes in decision-making ability, judgement, and personality. 

Alzheimer’s disease is caused by a destruction of nerve cells in the brain that leads to a disconnection of areas of the brain that normally work together. The most common risk factors are old age and a family history of dementia. Early to middle stage symptoms of the disease include repeating statements frequently, misplacing items, difficulty finding names for familiar objects, getting lost on familiar routes and personality changes.

Because people with Alzheimer’s disease may have difficulty completing routine tasks in their day to day lives, occupational therapists can help individuals and their families adapt tasks and environments to help promote or maximize independence, safety, and function.

Functional Therapeutics streamlines care for Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers and families  Our expertise and professional experience allows us to: 

  • Evaluate and recommend changes to the environment so clients can maximize function and support safety while performing day-to-day tasks
  • Develop new routines that are aligned with our client’s capabilities and needs
  • Teach individuals, family members, and caregivers how to implement home modifications to support safety and functionality
  • Recommend adaptive equipment to help prevent falls and make basic, everyday tasks easier and more enjoyable
  • Advise family members on strategies to help maximize their loved one’s capabilities while reducing caregiver stress

Portions of this article were originally published by aota.org